Monday, November 23, 2009


Mommy's home and has given me so much food for thought, especially when it comes to my online presence and my obvious addiction to social media outlets like facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Black Planet and now my own blog. These sites are all fun for me, but I really have to take into account who I'm letting into my inner thoughts and comments on life around me. Not everyone will be happy for me and nor will they care to know all my thoughts. In reflection of this truth and on my actions in the last few months. I'm going to do a virtual "clean house" and declutter my virtual imprint. I'm adding more privacy settings to my sites and making my blog for friends only not the world at large. So, I hope you all would read and participate with me on my blog and know that it is only shared with us ~ not just anyone who may come across my link.

Much love ♥
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