Friday, June 12, 2009

Umpire Records~ Beyonce's Ego

I heard Beyonce's new song "Ego"on the radio today and beside my usual head bopping to the beat, I heard the lyrics and really thought about the meaning. I'm not about to delve into the Freudian concepts of the Id, Ego, and Super Ego or anything. It is -after all- a Beyonce song. So, I'm keeping my commentary light on this one, lol. One thing I love about her songs is that they make women feel empowered, confident, sexy, and in control. From "Bills, Bills, Bills","Survivor," to "Irreplaceable," these songs and several others become anthems for women at various points in our lives. Her cds should have a label that reads: Listener beware...these darn catchy hooks may get engrained into your mind making you act too much like "Independent Women" and cause you to lose out on that man over there with a "Halo!" The "I Am" album is a good contrast to her previous collections, it offers the suggestion to women that we embrace and exhibit all sides of ourselves. The confident, strong, independent sides can be merged with our softer and more vulnerable selves. It is important we have that balance. Go ahead and wear that "S" on the chest, but be sure to take that cape off and use it as a blanket to snuggle up with the one you love too.

Back it up Ladies :-)

I love this part of the song:

"Damn I know I'm killing you with them legs
Better yet them thighs
Matter a fact it's my smile or maybe my eyes
Boy you a site to see, kind of something like me

It's too big, it's too wide
It's too strong, it won't fit
It's too much, it's too tough
I talk like this 'cause I can back it up"

Big, Beautiful,and Black

I dedicate this poem to every woman who has ever felt unpretty

There are women who wear wigs
Some are small, shaped as twigs
Many are like me, big
Big as in large
Large and in charge
We won't take any garbage
or be persuaded
That thin is in
and the only way to win
the love of men
Is it such a sin
not to be thin?
Some one please tell me when
will this prejudice end?
I am not only judged by my color, black
but also by the size of my slacks.
I can stand all of the flak
For I am big, beautiful, and black!
Now, take that
All of you who are not fat!

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